A downloadable game for Windows

Short game, inspired by GoT's Season 7 Ep 6 Beyond the Wall.

Game contains: 2 small sections with enemies and a final boss battle.

Play as Jon Frost in this epic action RPG set in the scene of a cold and windy ravine filled with hungry zombies... What's that dim and gloomy purple light in the distance?"

A & D = running
Shift / Space =  dodge
Left click = light attack
Right click = heavy attack

Sound effects in the game are from following:
Super Dialogue Audio Pack by Jump Cut Games
Zombies Sound Pack on  opengameart.org by artisticdude
RPG Sound Pack  on  opengameart.org by artisticdude

Made by:
Jacob Andersen -  Art 
Martin Lee - Programming and Music
Sebastian Alberg - Art




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Really fun game! I loved playing this. The animation is lovely, the music is great and I loved the concept and the boss battle at the end! Fantastic job guys! :D

A bit late reply!
But thanks for playing it..! We're glad you liked it! 
Really fun to watch you play it! :0)

This game surprised me! I thought it was a never ending hack n slash, but it actually had a gradation in difficulty! And that boss fight was sweet!

Wauw you got the boss on the first try? Well seems like you and Martin are the only guys so far to do that to my knowledge ;-)! Thanks for playing the game! Fun to watch you play it.!